The notion of love

Dola Samanta
2 min readOct 28, 2020

The notion of love changed every moment.

I still wonder about the notion of love. Can someone define the notion of love to me? What I percieved as love as a child changed when I was growing up and then it changed again as I stepped into my teens and then it always changed.

I turn 40 in a few hours and love has been the single most driving factor in my life. I cannot cease to love, yet the notion of love is ever changing in my head. I often wonder is there something as the perfect love ? And when you get there, does the notion finally settle and does not change again? Well, I have not experienced that state as yet. I am comfortable with all the changing notions and versions of love.

I consider myself to be blessed, as love has come in different shapes, sizes and forms. And it continues to flow in and out of my life, like the flow of a river. Yet, there is a sense of longing to dymistify this notion and understand love in its purest form. Has anyone been there, does anyone understands or has expereinced love in it’s full glory? If love is everything then musn’t we all seek to understand it completly?

Here is what I think we can do. Feel the love, be the love and spread the love. And hope to some day get to a point where we live in loves glory. Till then just be loving and forgiving. Forgiveness is a poor cousin that love takes care of and we can’t love without forgiving.



Dola Samanta

Brand Storyteller, Traveller (not the new age kind), Poet, Wine & Food & Cultures. Live.Love.Laugh!